Sample Test Financial Stress

10 short statements will help you evaluate the level of financial stress in your life. Answer honestly and then get advice and tips about:

  • » Paying Off Debt
  • » Saving for Emergencies
  • » Saving for Retirement

Financial Stress


Please answer the questions to the right as best you can using the scale provided. When finished, press the Submit and Review button to see your results.

1. I never have enough money to pay my bills.

2. I ocassionally need to borrow money from family and/or friends.

3. I have what I consider to be a large monthly mortgage or rent payment.

4. I have what I consider to be a large monthly car payment.

5. I feel my retirement plan is inadequate to meet my future needs.

6. I need to work harder just to make ends meet.

7. I have what I consider to be a large credit card debt.

8. I feel I am under constant financial stress.

9. My spouse/partner and I fight over money.

10. I often buy things I really can't afford.